Sunday, 31 August 2014

Tynemouth Foamy Fest, Hyperlapse and gannets...

Last day of the summer holidays...certainly flew by that's for sure. Went out for a little walk along the seafront this morning and it was feeling decidedly autumnal...although I have been informed that this coming week is meant to warm up again! So fingers crossed for that...I do love the summer sunshine and I'm not yet ready to break out the winter clothes...

I have spent the last few days being useful however. I am carving my latest herring lino...which is taking a very very long time as it's quite intricate...

You can see I've carved out all the background and have started on the fish on the right...since this photo I have carved out another 2 fish...but that's still taken me four and a half hours so still got quite a way to go! Really looking forward to being able to ink it up and print it though!! It's A3 in size as well so I'm hoping it looks pretty impressive...still not sure how many to print out with this one though.

And speaking of printing...I got my latest print mounted and up on the various shops I sell through...I've only made five of these...

Well...strictly speaking I made about 12...but due to how the ink came out on the paper I was only actually happy with five of the rest have gone into the bin...but that does mean this is now quite a limited print that I do really like actually...I wasn't sure when I was printing it, as I've said in a previous post I print everything by hand, and where the blue ink is, it's actually quite a large area to print out using a spoon!! I'm happy with the final five though so that's good! My friend/framer made the mounts for me, and I got them sorted yesterday, so this time I've done it so these mounts are a standard size (12 by 14 inches) so will fit a standard shop bought frame...I figured that would also help be a selling point so a buyer wouldn't have to get a specific frame made...or have to change the mount to suit the frame.

Anyway...on a totally different note, last night lots of people were down on my local beach, Longsands in Tynemouth. It was the annual Foamy Fest which is set up by locals and designed to raise money for a local oncology ward. So there is an obstacle course set up on the beach as well as a BBQ, cakes, a raffle and a raft race. Theres normally a surfing competition if the waves hold out as well, but typically on our beach if an event calls for waves there isn't any. It was still a good laugh though! I thought I'd test out the new Instagram movie app 'Hyperlapse' as well...thought I would film my husband and a friend in the raft race competition...

Please note their raft is the one with the red 'sail' and was made in the space of 2 hours the night before... definitely made everyone laugh though...also...they didn't win!

Right well...better go and sort my school bag out for tomorrow...


  1. The fishes Lino will look fab when it is all done. Love the sea birds print colour and design :)

    1. Thank you @craftycreate I can't wait to get them finished and see what they look like finished. Haven't yet done an A3 linocut so it's taking a good while! Hopefully it will be worth it in the end. Thank you for your kind words on my other prints as well. Much appreciated! :-)
