Saturday, 2 August 2014

Newy Newness...

Today has been a very wet and miserable Saturday...It feels like the 2nd of October never mind the 2nd of August!
 I didn't let that get in my way however. I have been productive - I think!

First off was a trip to my local weekly market held at Tynemouth Metro Station. It's there every weekend, as is my framer, Mark. He has framed every single piece of art in my house, so now he is simply the only person I will go to.
 My trip this morning was to pick up two framed prints for a customer...

Really happy with these! I think they look great! I also thought I would use the opportunity of them being framed to take photos for my Etsy shop as to take every opportunity right?
 I also made sure I took in a Guillemot print and my latest Gyotaku piece to get framed. (Photos and a tutorial very soon!)

And speaking of Etsy...I decided to make some changes, namely, in setting up a Folksy shop as well. (So not quite Etsy changes!)
 My main issue is with being an artist and seller in the UK, the majority of people who look to buy on Etsy are based in the USA. Now while I would love to provide free delivery internationally as well as in the UK, that's not likely due to the cost of postage, so I feel this limits my potential audience.
 I also know that with Etsy, a lot of people simply search for items in the area/country they're in, so my items wouldn't even come up, again, limiting my potential audience.

 A little while ago I looked at opening a Folksy shop, as this is basically the same thing as Etsy except it is for UK sellers only, and therefore will get more customers who are in the UK. The reason I didn't sign up for it then was because it was more expensive than Etsy, and I was familiar with Etsy as a buyer, so figured it was the safe bet.

I have tried networking a lot more now though, making sure I am always on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Flickr etc...(keeping up with them all is quite time-consuming though!) but I am trying...and hopefully it will pay off.

So, after spending hours online today, as well as my Etsy shop, I now also have a Folksy shop. I still offer free UK delivery and international delivery on some items (not on driftwood, and delivery isn't free I'm afraid) but here we go...Take a peek at my new shop and let me know what you think! I'd love feedback...

And just a quick mention...if you would like to follow me on any of the social networks I just mentioned please do!- You can find me just searching Curiousseagull (or curiousseagull1 on Twitter). I always make sure to follow back...

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