Saturday, 11 October 2014

Christmas market planning, driftwood and furniture building...

Good afternoon...only 5 more school days before I am off work for two weeks and can seriously start preparing for my first ever market!
 At the end of November I will be taking part in a Christmas/Winter market at The Net on the North Shields Fish Quay. Really looking forward to it but pretty nervous!
 This morning was spent online, making sure I order everything I need/think I'll need in preparation.
 I am currently thinking, my prints alongside notebooks, tea towels, tote bags, cards and gift tags. Happy for any further suggestions though!

So, I decided I needed to start working on how I want my market stall to look. After all, first impressions are everything right? So I spent an hour or so working on this today...

I made sure to use my usual font, so everything hopefully ties together nicely. I painted Curious Seagull Studio on to a piece of driftwood (I have quite a collection).

I was really happy with the finished result! It's just over a metre long, so should hopefully be quite eye catching on a stall.

I then got a little carried away with the driftwood...after moving all my living room furniture around last week (it's a strange shaped room...but somehow we actually managed to create a fair bit of room!) So I decided to use some of the wood to create a coffee, you know, fill the gap in the middle of the room I guess!

I like to give things a go and try things for myself. I have never made a piece of furniture before, and granted it will be pretty rough around the edges and not super neat and amazingly put together, but I don't care!! I had to stop for today though, as it started to get dark (At 6pm!!) So I shall post a photo of my completed creation in a day or so!! is almost complete as well!! I decided to finally take the plunge and have a go at hosting my own may well move my blog over to their when it's up and running...not too sure yet though. I will keep you posted!!

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